Faculty Members & Research Interests

Research Interests: RF Circuits Design Design and Implementation of Antennas Energy Harvesting Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Power Electronics and Drives Renewable Energy
Research Interests: 5G/6G Wireless Communication Systems Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Block chain Technologies. Millimeter Wave, Tera Hertz Communication, Massive MIMO, D2D Communication, Cloud-RAN Internet of Things, Mobile Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Cloud Computing MANET, VANET, UAV PHY/MAC Layer, Open RAN (O-RAN), RAN Controller, SD-RAN Expertise on Design, Mathematical Modeling, Optimization, Algorithms, and Simulation.
Research Interests: Digital Microfluidics Drug Deliver System Nano-technology Lab-on-a-chip Wireless Communication Antennas and Propagations
Research Interests: Deep Learning Machine Vision Computer Vision Underwater Communication

Dr. Tushar Kanti Roy

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Dynamical modeling of power systems Robust adaptive control of conventional power systems Nonlinear control of autonomous electric vehicles for power system applications Robust adaptive control of modern power systems (with photovoltaic and wind generators) Robust control of hybrid AC/DC microgrids Applications of nonlinear control theories in power systems Application of machine learning in nonlinear control theories Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Load Frequency Control Incorporating Electric Vehicles in Larger Power Systems

Md Rabiul Hasan

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Dielectric nanoantennas Plasmonics Optical tweezers Waveguide modeling and simulation

Abdulla Al Suman

Assistant Professor
Research Interests:


Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Sham Datto

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Renewable Energy Antennas & Propagation Thin Film & Nanotechnology

A. S. M. Badrudduza

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Information-theoretic security of wireless multicast and cooperative networks Free space and underwater optical wireless communication Machine learning in wireless communication Reflecting intelligent surfaces Unmanned aerial vehicle networks

Md. Rakib Hossain

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Computer Generated Holography [CGH] Encryption Algorithms Digital Image Processing Machine Learning (ML) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deep Learning Computer Vision 3D, 8D & 9D Imaging

Farzana Akter

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Renewable energies. Control Engineering Machine learning

Md. Aslam Mollah

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Photonic Crystal Fiber, Fiber sensor, Plasmonics, Surface Plasmon Resonance, Antiresonant Fiber, Negative Curvature Hollow Core Fiber

Md. Yeakub Ali

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Antenna Array Signal Processing. Wireless communication Beamforming in 5G Wireless Communication mmWave communication

Shuvra Prokash Biswas

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Microcontroller & Embedded System Renewable Energy Smart Grid Power System Stability & Control Power Quality Electrical Machines & Drives Power Electronics

Hasan Sarker

Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Optical Fiber and Bio Sensor

Md. Tarek Hassan

Research Interests: Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Wireless Communication (5G, 6G) Edge Computing Internet of things (IoT) Wireless Security Radio Resource Management (RRM) Millimeter Wave (mmWave) Communication

Sharaf Tasnim

Research Interests:
Research Interests: Metamaterial Internet of Things(IoT) Microcontroller & Embedded System Machine Learning